Cerebral Palsy, Faith

The Power of A W15H

I still remember where I was when my mom told me.

I was in our kitchen, staring at my computer screen, trying to make sense of an email. I was so focused on what I was doing that it took a moment for her words to sink in.

Tim Tebow’s foundation is granting your wish.”

Okay, great. They were- what?

I spun around in my chair to stare at my mom. “They are?”

When she nodded, I sat back in my chair, overcome with shock, disbelief, and complete excitement. For years, I had read articles about the Tim Tebow Foundation’s Wish 15 program. Through it, they make dreams come true for children with life threatening illnesses who want to spend time with Tim. Once, I came across an E:60 episode about Dylan, one of their W15H kids who has cerebral palsy. I watched it, overcome with amazement at Dylan’s story and blown away by how Tim and the foundation rolled the red carpet out for him. As it ended, I turned to my parents. “We could do that.”

Now, we were going to.

TTF Post

For years, I had looked up to Tim Tebow. My admiration had less to do with his accomplishments on the field and more to do with the way he achieved them. Never once did he complain about adversity or critics. And he always gave his all, whether he was running for a first down or preparing for the NFL Draft. His work ethic and determination inspired me as I went through physical therapy, Botox injections, and the numerous other challenges cerebral palsy brings. More than that, though, I loved how outspoken he was about his faith. He always gave glory and praise to God, regardless of the situation or what others might say about it. He quickly went from my favorite Florida player to my inspiration, and it was my dream to one day meet him and tell him that. Little did I know, God was going to turn that desire into a relationship I will always treasure.

My W15H weekend was everything I’d imagined and more. My family and I had dinner with Tim, were given a VIP tour of the College Football Hall of Fame, were Tim’s guests at SEC Nation-the SEC Network’s travelling pregame show- and took in the Alabama-Georgia game. It was such an incredible experience to be able to spend time with Tim, who is every bit as kind in person as he seems to be on TV. He and his foundation went out of their way to make me feel loved and special, and they treated my family and me as if we were the celebrities. It was a weekend I’ll remember for the rest of my life.


One of the things that is so special about TTF to me is that they do more than just grant a W15H: you become part of their family. Since my W15H in October of 2015, the foundation has stayed in touch with us, continuing to keep us in their prayers and sharing faith, hope, and love with us however they can. Sometimes, that means sending encouraging Scripture; other times, it means creating more magical weekends for us, which is what they do every March when they welcome their W15H families to the annual Celebrity Golf Classic for a reunion. And through TTF, I have met countless people who are genuinely compassionate and kind- people I will always cherish and be grateful for.

2018 Gala Group Photo

At the 2018 Celebrity Gala with Tim, Eric Church, and a few of the amazing people I’ve met because of TTF.

A W15H is so much more than a weekend trip. It’s a time for God to shine, the beginning of friendships that will last a lifetime, and it’s a reminder that even the most challenging circumstances can yield the most beautiful blessings.

Timmy Hug 2018 Gala

Cerebral Palsy, Faith


Usually, I don’t post for the Weekly Photo Challenge-because photography isn’t my strong suit- but when I saw this week’s prompt was smile, I had to participate, because I have the perfect picture for it.

This one.

I love this picture, not only because it forever captured the moment I met Tim Tebow, but because the smile on his face reflects how I felt in that moment: pure, complete, beautiful joy.

I’ve never felt anything quite like that before. The trip to his foundation’s Celebrity Golf Classic was a surprise birthday present from a friend, who knew how much I look up to Timmy (which is how he introduced himself). I’d wanted to meet him for years, and the moment was even more incredible than I’d always thought. The kindness and warmth he treated me with made my nerves fall away, and I knew instantly that my disability didn’t matter to him. To him, I was just Robyn.

I thought the story would end there, but it didn’t. Six months later, he and his foundation granted my W15H to spend time with him. I loved having the opportunity to talk with him, and at one point, I showed him the picture my friend had taken. He loved it too, so much that he posted it on Instagram later that night.

Over the last four years, he and his foundation have done more than grant my W15H. They’ve made me a part of their family. They’re there through everything, offering prayer, encouragement, and always showering me in so much love. This past March, they invited me to their Celebrity Gala-always held the night before the golf tournament- to interview the celebrities as they entered on the red carpet. I loved it. I talked to everyone from Mark Stuart of Audio Adrenaline to ESPN’s Scott Van Pelt to Florida’s new head football coach, Dan Mullen. And when Timmy walked in and saw me, his face lit up. He made a beeline for me, coming up to wrap me in a hug as soon as we saw each other.

That night I witnessed generosity unlike anything I’ve ever seen before as I watched a crowd of around 300 people donate 1.3 million dollars to the foundation, all of which goes towards helping kids with special needs and life threatening illnesses. I was blown away. It was beautiful to see, but to me that exemplifies what makes Timmy and his foundation so special: they put smiles on the faces of millions of people, day in and day out.

Timmy posted this of him and country singer Eric Church with some of the kids he and TTF invited to the gala.


Here’s Why I Think Tim Tebow Will Make It in the Majors

Yesterday, ESPN posted this fantastic article about MLB players who are rooting for Tim Tebow as he continues his journey to Citi Field. I loved seeing so much support from the league’s All-Stars, especially after hearing so many say they don’t think he’ll be able to make it. I think he’ll make it, and here’s why.

He has raw power behind the plate, for one thing. It seems like every week you see another video of him hitting a home run, and I think part of that comes from his strength. No, he’s not built like a baseball player, but it’s paying off.

And while we’re talking about batting, let’s mention the fact that he’s also becoming more consistent behind the plate. Since being promoted to Port Saint Lucie, his batting average has improved to .318 and he currently has a .972 on base percentage. He’s on a nine game hitting streak, and he’s moved from seventh in the batting line-up to sixth.

He’s also made great a few plays in the field since moving to PSL. I think everyone saw the video of him robbing Fort Meyers first baseman Zandal Weil of a home run. He’s improving all-around, which could lead to another promotion sooner than we think.

He’s also making a difference off the field. He’s a leader in the clubhouse, but more than that, he impacts the community he’s in. Last summer, he stopped and prayed with a man having a heart attack, and this summer, he’s spent time with numerous kids from his foundation who have come to his games. Tim Tebow impacts and inspires others wherever he is, and I think that’s a trait of success as well.

Of course he has to room to improve in certain areas. Don’t we all? But if there’s one thing I know about Tim Tebow, it’s that he will put in the work and the time to get better and make his dream of being a major league player a reality. I won’t be surprised to see him playing at Citi Field, and I’m behind him all the way.

Summer Reading

My Personal Cannon

A few weeks ago, Stephanie posted her at Adventures of a Bibliophile posted her personal cannon of books which have impacted her throughout her life, and invited readers to do the same. Stephanie, I’m so sorry I took so long to do this! Here is my personal cannon:

  1. The Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandler Warner

This was the series that got me into reading. I was in second grade, and at the time, I couldn’t stand reading, and so I read Clifford books at school just to be able to tell my parents I was reading something. Well, they soon found out what I was doing, and asked the librarian to make sure I only checked out books that were at my reading level. I had no idea what to read- until my physical therapist suggested The Boxcar Children. I immediately fell in love with Henry, Jessie, Violet, and Benny Alden, and thus my love affair with reading began. I read every book in this series that I could get my hands on, and got to the point to where I could read two in a day.

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2. The Trixie Belden series by Kathryn Kenny

Another mystery series. These books are about thirteen-year-old Trixie Belden, who calls small town Sleepyside, New York home. When Honey Wheeler moves in to the mansion next door, the two become fast friends, and this series chronicles their adventures and the mysteries they solve along the way. I loved the elements of family and friendship that are present throughout the novels, and some of the first stories I wrote were about Trixie and her friends. I would create a new adventure for them, throw myself in as a character (because why not?), and let my imagination run wild. That helped foster my love of writing as well, and for that, those books will always hold a special place in my heart.

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3. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

What girl doesn’t love Little Women? My grandmother bought a condensed version of the book for me when I was in fifth grade, and upon devouring it, I fell in love and had to know the rest of the story. I loved the dynamics between the characters, and I liked how different each girl was. I found a film adaptation on Netflix not long after I read it, and I must have watched it at least twenty times.

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4. The Truth About Forever and Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen

Yes, I know technically I listed two books, but I love them both equally and I couldn’t decide which one to choose, so I put both. I was introduced to Sarah Dessen the summer after sixth grade, when my literature teacher gave me a basket of books from her bookshelf and told me to read whichever ones I wanted and bring them back to her at the beginning of the next school year. Lock and Key was the first Dessen book I read, and I went on to read all of her books after that. At the time I read each of the two books above, I felt a connection with their main characters that I’d never felt before. Dessen made me feel understood and as if I wasn’t alone, and I knew I wanted to craft stories that did the same thing for other girls. I want to write books which make readers laugh, cry, smile, feel comforted, and know that they’re not the only ones who have gone through what they’re going through. Dessen played a major role in helping me figure out who I want to be as an author, and I hope one day I can meet her and thank her for that.

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5. Dear John by Nicholas Sparks

Another gift from my grandmother. She gave it to me when I spent the night at her house and had forgotten to bring a book, and I loved it, although the ending drives me crazy. I recently reread it, and I’ll put a review up soon!

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6. Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick (and every Becca Fitzpatrick novel)

A friend recommended this series to me, and I knew it was good if she was recommending it, because she is not a reader. I was hooked by page two. Not only does it have realistic dialogue and a plot that unfurls at breakneck speed, but I’ve never read a book that combines fantasy, romance, and thriller in a way that seems effortless. Becca Fitzpatrick is brilliant, and I loved the Hush, Hush saga so much that I bought her two latest books without knowing anything about them. It was not a bad decision. Black Ice and Dangerous Lies were just as incredible as the Hush, Hush saga was. I highly recommend all of her books!

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7. In Cold Blood by Truman Capote

I had to read this for AP Language last year, and it was one of my favorite books that we read all year. It’s a nonfiction novel about the murders of the Clutter family in 1959 Holcomb, Kansas. I loved Capote’s style- he painted a picture in your head and somehow had you rooting for the two killers despite the fact that they killed four people in cold blood (I had to). Fun fact: Harper Lee assisted him with the research for the novel.

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8. Shaken by Tim Tebow

Totally opposite end of the spectrum from In Cold Blood, but it’s one of my favorite books. It’s special to me because Timmy- Yes, I know him and yes, I call him Timmy- shared my story in Chapter 7, and it features stories of friends of mine that I love dearly. There were pieces of the book where I could hear him reading it to me- that’s how authentic his voice is. I couldn’t be more honored that he chose to write about my W15H and about the time we’ve spent together, and I couldn’t be more proud of the success the book has had. It’s a great read, one that will make you laugh, cry, and realize that you, too can make a difference in the lives of others.

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That’s my personal cannon! Stephanie, thank you so much for the post inspiration! Now, I have a question: What books make up yours?


“Our Night to Shine”

I’ve always loved Rascal Flatts. They’re one of my mom’s favorite bands, and I remember riding in the back seat listening to her sing along with “Fast Cars and Freedom”. They were the first concert I attended, and last year, they honored my sweet friend Kate with a backstage tour and a serenade at one of their concerts. And now they’ve done something else that makes me love them even more: the final track on their latest album was written for the 75,000 kings and queens who attended the Tim Tebow Foundation’s Night to Shine prom.

Held on the Friday before Valentine’s Day, Night to Shine is an annual worldwide prom for people with special needs. Guests are cheered for as they enter the prom on a red carpet, and at the end of the night, each guest is crowned king or queen of the prom. I attended Night to Shine for the first time this past February, and it was such a magical night. I went with a friend of mine, and it turned out that a few other good friends of mine were there volunteering, so we all hung out and danced together! I usually don’t dance because I feel like I look strange when I dance, but that night, surrounded by people that I love and with the Lord so present, I let go of my insecurities and had a blast. The Lord was so evident in that room, and it was so beautiful to see so many people come together for such an amazing event. It was a night I’ll never forget.

To me, the song completely captures the light and beauty that is Night to Shine. It put a sound to the happiness that I felt that night, but what means the most to me is that now, so many more people know about the incredible work the foundation does. The foundation has brought faith, hope, love, and light to the lives of so many, including me, and I’m so happy that others will know about it through this song. Since being granted a W15H by the foundation in 2015, I’ve met so many incredible people and made so many amazing friends,  and the first time I listened to “Our Night to Shine”, I had to hold back tears. This song completely captured how much I love each them and how much they mean to me. Timmy, TTF, and the TTF family will always hold a special place in my heart.

To listen to “Our Night to Shine” and see highlights from Night to Shine, visit this link.



Tim Tebow’s SHAKEN Named Christian Book of the Year

Earlier today, it was announced that Tim Tebow’s latest book, Shaken: Discovering Your Identity in the Midst of Life’s Storms, was awarded Christian Book of the Year by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association.

Published on October 25th, 2016, Shaken details how Tim uses faith to carry him through both the highs and lows in his life. Written with AJ Gregory, it details some of the most difficult moments he has faced, and how, by leaning on the Lord, he is able to remain unshaken. In addition to sharing his own stories, he shares stories of others who have inspired him along the way.

For me, Shaken is so much more than a book. I mentioned in an earlier post that he and his foundation granted me a W15H in 2015, and because of it, I’ve been blessed to get to know him, as well as meet some of the kids whose stories he tells. There were parts of this book where I could hear him talking to me- that’s how real and honest it is. And the kids he talks about are just as amazing as he describes them to be. They each have such strong, incredible, beautiful faith, and being around them always humbles me and strengthens my faith.

The thing about Shaken is it’s so much more than pages bound together. It’s encouragement on a page; it’s hope in ink. With this book, Tim reminds readers that with faith, no mountain is too high to climb, and no storm is impossible to overcome. Each time I read it, I take something new from it, and I always walk away with a fresh perspective and the desire to come closer to the Lord.

If you haven’t read Shaken yet, I highly recommend it. It will encourage you, inspire you, and give you the strength to keep fighting through whatever storm is raining down on you right now. You will laugh, you will cry, and you will close the book believing that you, too, can make a difference in someone else’s life.

(And in Chapter 7, you will also read about a certain W15H kid who loves the University of Florida and likes to blog. 😉)

Florida Gators

What’s Your Chomp Story?

FloridaGators.com recently announced Chomp Stories, a place where Gator Nation can share their stories of what being a Florida fan means to them. I thought I would share mine with you.

I’ve been a Gator ever since I can remember. Even when I was little, I would watch Gator football with my dad, and pepper him with questions until I could understand the game. Back then, Urban Meyer was our head coach and Tim Tebow was our quarterback. I loved watching and cheering the team on. I can still picture the first play of the 2006 national championship game; I can still see Tebow accepting the Heisman trophy. Florida football was, and still is, a huge part of my life.

Since then, my love for the University of Florida has only grown stronger, and now, even I admit I’m a college football junkie. When a Florida game is on, I’m easily the loudest one in the house. But whether it’s football, softball, volleyball or basketball, I love anything and everything Florida. One of the best weekends of the year is the weekend my family and I go to the Swamp to watch the Gators in action. I love the sea of orange and blue, I love the electric atmosphere in the stadium, and I love the sound of 90,000 people cheering when the team runs out of the tunnel. To me, going to Gainesville feels like going home.

A few things have changed since that 06 national championship win. I’ve met Urban Meyer, and had my W15H granted by Tebow and his foundation. Coach is one of my favorite people, and Timmy (as he told me to call him), is everything he seems to be on TV: extremely kind, incredibly sweet, and has the strongest, most beautiful faith in the Lord. But there’s one thing that hasn’t changed, and will never change: I still bleed orange and blue, and always will.

That’s my chomp story. What’s yours?


Tim Tebow Smashes Another Home Run

He did it in his first Grapefruit League game.

And then he did it in his minor league debut, sending the ball flying over the fence and putting two more runs on the board for the Columbia Fireflies.

And last night, he did it yet again; this time it was a three run home run. He rounded the bases, and then began celebrating with his teammates as the crowd went crazy. It’s Tebow Time in Columbia.

After he had a .148 spring practice average, many doubted he would be successful in baseball. Some thought his tenure with the Mets had ended. But instead, he was promoted to the Columbia Fireflies, the Mets Class A affiliate in Columbia, South Carolina, where he is again making news headlines and surprising baseball fans around the country. Suddenly, it seems as if his baseball dream isn’t so far-fetched after all.

Baseball, he said in a recent interview, was his first love, and the decision to pursue football instead was one of the hardest he’s made in his life. He said that even as he chased his football dreams, he never stopped watching baseball; in fact, he was in a batting cage when Chip Kelly called to offer him a tryout with the Eagles. Now, he has the opportunity to play the sport he loves, and chase another dream. He’s going to take it.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about Tim Tebow, it’s that you should never count him out. He’s a hard-working, extremely dedicated athlete who will put in the hours and do the work he needs to do to get where he wants to be. He pours passion into everything he does- I’ve heard him speak, and even when he’s giving speeches you can hear how much he believes in what he’s saying. Now, that passion is showing up on the baseball field, and he’s showing the world that he’s still the incredible athlete newspapers wrote about ten years ago. He’s still built like a football player, and I believe that strength has something to do with the home runs he keeps hitting.

Yes, this dream may be a big one. No, it’s not likely he’ll make it into the majors. But Tim Tebow has shown again and again that he’s capable of doing the incapable, and if anyone can achieve this feat, it’s Tim. Don’t count him out, and don’t be surprised if you see him in Citi Park, wearing orange and blue again and living out his dream of being a pro baseball player.